we are raw material
07-11 March, 11am to 5pm
Cost: £150
Max number of participants: 10
Shoreditch Church, London
Deadline for applications: 1st March '16.
The Actor Composes
How to enter in contact with an author's work? How to be author yourself within the author's world? How to use your own material and transform yourself into the role?
A 5 day workshop using an approach rarely seen in the UK, exploring selected texts by Oscar Wilde in order to uncover and explore the unexpected in the actor and in one of Britain's greatest authors.
Maria deconstructs traditional forms of acting in order to give the actor artistic independence and awake the thirst to create on stage.
To apply send a paragraph about yourself and a CV tο berawmaterial@gmail.com
'Working with Maria Gaitanidi and Raw Material on the method of the étude and active analysis has been a challenging and rewarding experience. It has made the contact with text and my own material more alive, creative and playful. I believe that this approach makes for a theatre that is brimming with life and light.' Actress, Workshop on Chekhov