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At the centre of our work is the performer as creator,

as the channel between

ideas and the world we live in.


We make performances which challenge set ways of seeing.


We believe in the power of the artist.


















Artistic and Pedagogical Aims


In order to achieve our mission, we strive to make work using solely raw materials: the occupation of found and/or non-theatrical spaces, the simple being and organic presence of the performers, the literary analysis of texts without imposing an exterior vision, the use of what is present in the moment of performing and which is not always planned (objects, people, situations etc). We use innovative approaches combining in every performance moment the raw material of the performers, movement, text (sang or not) and space, creating thus a constant flux between performers and audience.

In our endeavour to experience with our audiences the encounter between the imaginary and the real, we will perform artistic actions in response to socio-political upheavals.

As research and experimentation are intrinsic to everything we do, we have been creating a laboratory space where process is emphasised rather than result. That environment will help us explore with performers and international practitioners lesser-known performance making techniques. In this way we train performers to be creators, breaking away from clichés and finding ways to explore texts which offer strong aesthetic and philosophical concepts.




To push the boundaries between performers and audience. 


To blurr the borders between reality and representation.


To revive the connection between stage and city,

between the artist’s arena and the public arena of life.


To create a laboratory space for research and actor's training.


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