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Across the Black Sea, on the shore of Tauris, a land prone to violent

sacrifices, two Greeks arrive, finding redemption on their way back to


Plato is said to have burnt all his tragedies once he met Socrates; he

then created a unique model for the conceptual dialogue. What if we

could make the journey in reverse as a ‘second navigation’: from

Plato’s dialogues to the world of tragedy?


Tangled in Plato’s dialogical webs, two performers, Maria Gaitanidi

and Stéphane Poliakov, weave nets and construct traps.


This celebration of ancient dramatic dialogue is based on pioneering

theatre approach developed by Russian Director Anatoli Vassiliev,

and will be followed by an open discussion with the public.


The event is organised by Rawmatterial, with the support of the Hellenic Centre.

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