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Our workshops are essential to We Are Raw Material's approach. We believe that the actor needs a space for freedom in order to uncover his/her true creative

potential, away from cliches and without the pressure of achieving a specific result. Participants need to have the ability to question themselves and their work, the desire to enter into a process where creating is greater than the individual self.


Participants' Feedback


In terms of working as an actor, it has made me more aware of my own potential in creating material, rather than responding to a director’s interpretation or vision. It has made me aware of my potential as a creator.


'Working with Maria Gaitanidi and Raw Material on the method of the étude and active analysis has been a challenging and rewarding experience. It has made the contact with text and my own material more alive, creative and playful. I believe that this approach makes for a theatre that is brimming with life and light. '


'I would definitely attend another workshop! I feel I made the tiniest scratch on the surface of what this has to give and would love to go deeper!


'I have been using the speaking and silence that we did in the monologues, in my work since, and I find it really helps me to find many different sides to the character, to physically embody it and make it mine.




A three week workshop on Luigi Pirandello's work focusing on Six Characters in Search of an Author, Stories on Suicide and The Late Mattia Pascal. September 2014, London.


Various workshops on Chekhov's plays and short stories notably Three Sisters and An Anonymous Story. October 2013-January 2015, London.

A workshop in three phases on Orwell's novel 1984, exploring also texts by Marx, Beckett and Dostoyevsky. October 2012-March-May 2013, London.


A workshop run for CRISIS, a charity for the Homeless in December 2014 based on Aristophanes' The Frogs.

Tennessee Williams

A laboratory in two phases exploring T. Williams' One Act Plays and Suddenly Last Summer. March-July 2015

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